On November 25, 2022, we collectively presented the Protocolo Modelo de prevención y actuación en casos de discriminación, acoso y hostigamiento sexual y laboral en organizaciones de la sociedad civil [Model Protocol for Prevention and Action in Cases of Discrimination and Targeted and Untargeted Sexual and Workplace Harassment in Civil Society Organizations]. Fundar, Ambulante, Equis Justicia para las Mujeres, Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir, Red por los Derechos Digitales, Serapaz, and Article 19 participated in its presentation. This same group of organizations began a collective process of critical reflection and participatory action research in 2019 based on a commitment to build safe spaces for all people and a recognition that the human rights sector is not without violence.
The protocol stems from human rights and intersectional approaches, puts victims at the center, and aims to leave the punitive approach behind. This protocol is a public asset that was designed to be adopted by other organizations and to provide basic guidelines that can be adapted to their specific needs. With this publication, we aim to promote discussion spaces and build a learning community for these issues.