In November 2022, the United Nations General Assembly introduced the possibility of an international tax convention by approving a resolution that would allow all the nations to participate in discussions and decision-making related to taxes with equal conditions; currently, only the richest countries play a role in these spaces. To implement this, it will be crucial to promote tax justice from different spaces over the coming years.
Within this context in 2022, Fundar collaborated with Quinto Elemento Lab, the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT), and the Initiative for Human Rights Principles in Tax Policy to teach the course “Herramientas para aproximarse a la justicia fiscal” (Tools for Approaching Tax Justice), which was geared at journalists and members of civil society organizations. The aim was to strengthen the 46 participants’ theoretical knowledge and technical skills, analyzing tax policy from a human rights approach and with consideration for decreasing the extreme concentration of wealth in order to join the efforts to demand an increased tax burden for those who have more; that is, to increase taxes for the wealthiest and put an end to tax paradises.