Fundar Publications

Halfway. Assessment and Pending Matters of the Energy Policy of the Six-Year Presidential Term 2018–2024
(Anti)Manual on Psychosocial Work and Accompaniment of Victims of Violence and Human Rights Violations
The Right to Know. The Odebrecht Case in Mexico
Finding the Way. Budget and Purchase of Medicine for Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Heath
Climate Crisis and Lack of Budget Transparency. Analysis of Cross-Section Annexes Against Climate Change and for the Energy Transition
Culture and Public Budget. Inequality and Centralization of Cultural Infrastructure
Earmarked Budgets. Analysis of Cross-Section Annex 13. Expenditures for Equality between Women and Men
The Forensic Budget and Crisis in Mexico. Lack of Transparency and Budget Shortfall in Matters of Forensic Identification

Collective Publications

Tax Reform. A Starting Point for Post-Pandemic Equality in Mexico
Sustainable Development Goals and Budgetary Credibility in Mexico